Our Welcome
“Each life is a fresh canvas on which [God] uses lines and colors, shades and lights, textures and proportions that [God] has never used before.” – Eugene H. Peterson
Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
We welcome all people without regard to their distinctions in the world. We hold as a permanent conviction that each person is treasured in the eyes of God and in our eyes. Out of this conviction, we refuse to accentuate any gift, disability or identity that any person carries in this life. In this we follow the declaration of the Apostle Paul that no distinction of persons recognized in this world is endorsed by those who gather in the name of Jesus (Galatians 3:28). Therefore, no distinctions of race, wealth, poverty, sex, gender, legal status, ability or disability or any other divisor contrived or embraced by humanity shall be reckoned as greater or less than another in our midst.
We will welcome and stand with all who gather into the safety and fellowship of our church.
Who We Are
“The truth of the gospel can only be understood when it is manifest in the lives of a people.” – John Swinton
We are a community of neighbors who seek and serve Jesus Christ.
We always take Scripture seriously, though we don’t always take it literally. We wrestle with Scripture, allowing the humanity and mystery inherent in it to illuminate the divine in its words and in our lives.
We believe Scripture reveals a God who always works towards redemption, reconciliation and life. We seek to shape our lives and ministries around the truths of Scripture and the good news found in Jesus Christ—the good news that God is with us and is restoring us to our full humanity.
We cling to the hope that Jesus is presently at work in our world redeeming and reconciling all things (Col. 1:20); we try to catch glimpses of Jesus’ redeeming work to join in where we are able. We believe no person or group of persons is beyond Jesus’s love and grace. Where doctrine divides, we choose relationship and dialogue (John 17:11).
We seek to answer the call of God as taught by Jesus and many people of God through the ages. In our response we seek to know and understand our spiritual selves, to speak for justice to those in power, to be reconciled with integrity to those with whom we share this earth, and to be good stewards of this world given to us and future generations by our Creator.
We seek to work together, support one another and live in health and hope for the future. Our welcome knows no boundary of age, ethnicity, culture, sex, economic condition, physical or mental ability. We embrace and seek to preserve the beautiful, amazing diversity of God’s creation.
If you’re not sure what we mean by all that, come and see. We have always cared for those in need, hosting Cheney Outreach and Feed Cheney. When called upon, we are the kind of people who step up. Our building has excellent disability access and bathrooms, state of the art hearing technology and large screen for great visuals and preaching. Following Jesus as well as we can, we encourage people to be socially active in our community and in the world. We welcome people without regard to the many distinctions and labels people acquire in the world. People in the LGBTQIA+ community have found this to be a friendly church for decades. Our facility hosts Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, quilters, and PEO chapters. We respect military service and are grateful to those who have served our country.
Meet Our Staff